Thursday, December 27, 2012

Earth at 7 billion People

Earth at 7 billion People

Earth crossed 7 billion in population on the October 31st, 2011, and growing quickly. We have had a massive impact ont he environment. Here is an amazing infographic with amazing statistics on the same!
Earth at 7 billion People 
 Estimates put the planet at 8 billion in another 14 years, which is an eye blink  compared to the 123 years it took us to go from 1 billion to 2 billion.
India is set to surpass China as the world's most populous by 2030.
That means a weighty impact on our planet. How weighty? Our friends at Masters Degree Online did the math and found that we humans account for just .00018% of the earth’s biomass, yet we use 20% of its resources.

And before you start arguing that our weight demands that kind of use, the data shows we humans collectively tip the scales at 350 million tons, while the lowly ants would crush us with their 3 billion collective tons.
Earth at 7 billion People Infographic